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[SOLVED] Post counter + clan problem (can't quit)
My post counter has been stuck at one for no apparent reason, and i have just noticed upon trying to leave my clan that i have no quit option next to my name on the my clan page, so i cant leave. Help would be highly appreciated :/
My post counter has been stuck at one for no apparent reason,

All your recent posts appear to be made on a clan board. Clan boards don't count towards your post number anymore.

and i have just noticed upon trying to leave my clan that i have no quit option next to my name on the my clan page, so i cant leave.

It's most likely war, if your clan is currently in a clan war, nobody can quit the clan.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
yesterday, we started a clan war and the other clan left before finishing. could it be that clan war was never ended and the reason i cant leave?

This can not be the problem though afterall, because we currently have no active wars going on. That war was completed according to the clan war list, so there must be a bug that isnt loading my quit button. I dont know what to do...
Last edited by StiffRod; Dec 23, 2014 at 05:40 PM.
Sometimes the quit button doesn't apper for no aparent reason, it isn't really a problem or something, it will appear after some hours.
Well it kinda sucks cause i wanted to leave right now, so i could get to warring with the other clan i was going back to.
Just in case you didn't know where the quit button was... when you click clan and the roster is brought up, scroll down to your name and the quit button will be next to it.
Pickled is alright
And fresh is quite a delight
i know where its supposed to be, ive quit clans before, but the leaders are telling me we have a forum bug that wont let anyone be kicked or quit. idk whats going on but were pretty much just stuck i guess. Someone has to know how to help or fix this.
Its happened to me before, the way I dealt with it before was by signing out and signing back in.
[Nitro]| [TFF]|[TMO]"Jet beams don't melt steel fuel"~Bercat.
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