Original Post
Clan Rules
Ok people, our clan has strict rules and we demand that each single member obeys them.
The rules are very simple and pretty easy to understand so there will be no excuse if you break them.
  • Do whatever any administrator, moderator or leader wants from you unless the command is really stupid. If you do not understand something just ask! It won't hurt you.
  • Follow the excisting toribash forum rules. If you get trouble with any administrator or moderator you will get trouble with your clanleaders.
  • Be active. If you can't be active tell us please. Send one of the leaders a private message or just tell us in irc.
  • Communication is very important for our clan. We want you to be in our irc channel #woor on the toribash irc server whenever you are playing toribash (which should be pretty often unless you want to get banned from our clan)
  • We demand also taxes. You have to send 100tc each single week to bankofwar. If you don't do that you are a betrayer and we will cut your balls off. But seriously. We don't want to scam you or something and 100tc a week is not much. Just 10 wins which is no big deal if you are active.
    Taxes need to be paid on saturdays.
  • Proper spelling and grammar are very important. I don't wanna see any member say "lol u hab can be ma frein but u hab 2 sent me 100k b4 okk?"
  • Have fun! This is just a game so be relaxed and enjoy our donuts. And weed.
  • Do not make chit-chat in the recruitment thread.
  • If you edit a post that a clan-leader (frat may not infract people) has put a clan-infraction, or warning on. you will be infracted or kicked, depending on severity.

If you break these rules you will be kicked from the clan, or recieve a clan-infraction.
4 clan infractions = kick.
each infraction lasts 1 month. After that, it expirez.
But once you are kicked there will be no return.

This is what I could make up right now. ^^
New rules will come soon.
Last edited by blaj; Feb 12, 2009 at 11:37 PM.

wanna take off shirt and kiss?