Originally Posted by CerroNegro View Post
/youtube + good voice&good english&good gameplay+advertisements=money


Youtube + stupid voice & bad english & act like retard + ads = money

Have to appeal to those 12 year olds who browse youtube!

Case in point -> pewdiepie, every minecraft youtube (durr I built same thing as was built 2 years ago, but this time it's really big, subscribe plz!)
Originally Posted by ImmortalCow View Post

Youtube + stupid voice & bad english & act like retard + ads = money

Have to appeal to those 12 year olds who browse youtube!

Case in point -> pewdiepie, every minecraft youtube (durr I built same thing as was built 2 years ago, but this time it's really big, subscribe plz!)

I hate minecraft videos for fucks sake, and I am 13 indeed, but in my opinion, only the guys that actually stay calm and have a nice voice to listen to and some nice gameplay, only then I'd watch them.
dreamy suicide act
There are several questions I would like to pose in the first place. One, why would you need a job at 14? Two, why would it need to be on the Internet, of all places, rather than in the flesh? Three, why would I want to hire you for data management if you can't even be bothered to use proper grammar in your search for work? Four, why would I be looking for random people off the Internet to hire for such a basic job unless I'm trying to scam you?

You should probably go looking for a job elsewhere if you want to be hired, or make your own income by being self-employed. The Internet does not have mythical jobs floating around waiting for people to come just sign up for, you either make one yourself, or you go through the proper hiring process, which requires a resume and cover letter, interviews, portfolios, etc. etc. and get hired through that. Anything else is almost guaranteed to be spam, a scam, or illegal.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games