That's better. But I'd like a mixed style for that head, don't keep it just robotic because it might end up like a normal head. Make it special :]
Originally Posted by dawestreen View Post
Check this set please,

How exactly does that match my references, quality expectations and rest of requirements? Don't make silly offers here, do it via PM.

Now, is anybody beside Ferrock actually doing anything? It's turning more into a private request than an open one at this rate.
Well good luck Ferrock. I'm out.

Sorry Zalmoxis.
''The second industrial revolution has yet to be fully experienced by 17% of the world as nearly 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.''
keep it open... it is better for you, navar know when someone comes withs something cool
[JollyR] [GATA]
well, I may try this...
Even if I know that ferrock will school me...
Ever had an STD? | Need an avy/sigpic? PM me :)
Good :]

Also don't worry I won't close this request until I buy something from it, just like I promised in my first post. I was only trying to say that I don't like it that it's becoming too one sided and nobody challanges you anymore, Fer :[