Original Post
Reverse Ghosts
You all know what ghosts are; they show us where our tori is going. There should be an option to see what has already happened in a match with ghosts. So, a reverse ghost, if you will. This would be a cool feature that would fit perfectly into the game imo. What do you guys think of this?
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Do you mean seeing what the people are doing while they are doing it?

There's a command to do that, it's called /realtimeghost on

But if you're not, I'm all up to hear what you have say about this haha
Origin For Life
No, I meant a ghost that shows what has already happened in the game. So it's the opposite of showing what is about to happen, like the normal ghost does.
Last edited by Rouxster; Apr 15, 2016 at 04:56 PM.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Hmmm, Well, for starters, there really wouldn't be any reason to do that.

If you have a brain and play the game, then you should know how much momentum you have.

If this is added, it also risks crashing games.

When a player enters the server while a match is going on, the gameplay and movements are not accurate as to what is happening for real. Having a ghost showing different than what is happening on screen could cause lag and file conflicts.

For now, I'm against this idea.
Origin For Life
I think it would be a cool feature for spars. It would be mainly aesthetic.
If a reverse ghost would cause so many problems when joining a server in progress, it would only be available if you where present for the whole game. It should be added, why not?
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
If this were an available option, what would you have done with the regular ghosts in the first place? If this were set, you wouldn't have a ghost to relay what is about to happen next/etc.

There is no real point. in adding this, it wouldn't add any value into the game, as there is already replays to show what you have done in the match. You said it yourself, all it would do is look cool.
Actually, B is the key to see ghosts..
I never said reverse ghosts would replace the regular ghosts, but ok.
The point of this idea has obviously not been received. Oh well.
Last edited by Cheshyre; Apr 16, 2016 at 06:28 AM. Reason: Removed quote, spell checked because idk
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
are there just people on the forum who think they know everything about how the game is coded and how it works

this seems like a pretty cool idea, I could be able to see what I was doing a few frames before instead of having to keep replaying the replay I'm making over and over again.