Originally Posted by sham View Post
. . . aaaand when the blue runs out he is useless again. Really though, kha zix without blue is terrible. Even if he gets it every 5 minutes, he's still going to fall behind on his ganks, and his clears. There's no reason to play him in the jungle when he is outclassed by dozens of other junglers, especially considering that your mid probably will need blue

Sure he is a mana intensive jungler, but so are others. You don't pick Kha'zix jungle unless you are able to get blues most of the time, and with proper control, you won't need to rely on blue buff. Manamune is also a possible pick up item for Kha'zix, just get a 700g tear and upgrade it when its max stats.

Kha'zix is an assassin and will need to pull of ganks, he is a great farmer but also a great ganker, getting even better when he hits 6 and 11. Like most assassins, they will fall off if they don't get ahead, which means you will need to be aggressive. To play Kha'zix jungle, you need the correct mindset of being able to take blues, to take kills, to take farm, so you have the gold in order to buy the damage items required to carry your team.

Oh and there is a reason to play him Jungle. He is incredible fun to play, that more then enough reason to play him jungle.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Early skill path would be QWWE or QWEW depending if you want to early gank or not. Jungle path should be something like this:

Wolves > Blue (Level 2) > Wraiths > Wolves (level 3) > Red > Wraiths (level 4) > Gank/b > Gank

The whole mana dependant thing is fine for now, I'm playing with my friend who is a katarina solo mid. Because she never needs mana I'm able to get every blue, and I often will counter jungle whenever possible.
Originally Posted by sham View Post
. . . aaaand when the blue runs out he is useless again. Really though, kha zix without blue is terrible. Even if he gets it every 5 minutes, he's still going to fall behind on his ganks, and his clears. There's no reason to play him in the jungle when he is outclassed by dozens of other junglers, especially considering that your mid probably will need blue

I find that if you evolve his ultimate at level 6 (3 actives on his stealth) ganks are almost impossible to fail. Only times they've failed for me is against teemo (Combination of shrooms and his sprint) and when I was ganking a lulu (Can't do much when I'm turned into a cat).
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Oh and there is a reason to play him Jungle. He is incredible fun to play, that more then enough reason to play him jungle.

I mainly play him because he's incredibly fun. Having 500 movement speed and being able to escape almost any gank is great, his mobility is insanely entertaining.

Also I usually don't evolve my Q (I've played about 20 games kha jungle now) because I've found it doesn't help as much as the others. My evolve order is: R > E > W
The reason being that 3 actives of my stealth makes early game ganking far too easy, wings are a must have for every kha'zix & the W over Q because I dislike relying on my basics/Q for the slow. I'm confident when it comes to skillshots, so the W is much better suited to me. I mean yeah the Q is good to evolve, but I find his R helps so much more when you hit 6 than the other abilities.
Shinigami Chop!
Why evolve his R when you could just evolve his E? It has much better ganking potential. I fail to understand your logic.
DONT EVOLVE HIS Q? This is just errrm just... Yeah no I fail to understand your logic.
An extra stealth on his ult is worthless, and what's the point of taking reduced damage while in stealth? They wouldn't be able to hit you anyways.

Your basically chopping off alot of damage for something worthless.

If you like ulting for initiating then evolve E, it's better for ganks, and you really only need 2 stealths anyways. If you like it for chasing, while, if You had evolved your q they would be dead and you wouldn't have to be chasing.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Jan 7, 2013 at 05:07 PM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.

Oh how I love you kha

Top against an olaf with mercary threads, and I had my AP runes and support masteries on, go figure.

Amazing how two or three kills with kha zix can make a difference early game.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by EJM View Post

Oh how I love you kha

Top against an olaf with mercary threads, and I had my AP runes and support masteries on, go figure.

Amazing how two or three kills with kha zix can make a difference early game.


How did the game end so early? They surrendered or something?

Yes, they surrendered as soon as it hit 20:00
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

wow, just had the craziest ranked game as taric.

early game bots going equal, mids a friendly malz vs elise, kinda equal there as well, more towars elise though, top lane was a friendly darius vs sion, sion gets first 3 kills on him, then by 30 mins gets over triple his cs, i look at darius's and it's 76cs, meanwhile i have 40cs as taric, i was 1/8/8 at this time as well, i told darius he needs some cs, he listened, got cs, got in teamfights, i stunned sion whenever he went towards cait, exhausted him, w,r,q (cait or malz) e whoever i could, repeat.
i ended the game as 1/8/21. happy days, someone in 1k elo listened to me
I'll be at level 30 in few months, do I need a premade team of friends to play ranked games? I only know a few people who play and they must already have their own teams by now.
Dose is dead.
Originally Posted by Dose View Post
I'll be at level 30 in few months, do I need a premade team of friends to play ranked games? I only know a few people who play and they must already have their own teams by now.

Its better to play with a bunch of friends who know what they are doing, don't play ranked right away, play lots of draft pick. Only play ranked when you have a team of 5 and you can do ANY role.

Guys I've been thinking of getting Renekton or Wukong, which do you think I should get?

I've already been told to get Wukong alot but I want some last impressions before I make my decision.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.