The combos at the end were my fav part.
The opener was fine, but the hesitation while you were moving towards uke I didnt like. Core was cool, but that combo near the end (Groin/decap/kick uke around) made me happy. Last boom was really nice, I can't boom for crap so you made me happy.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
I really liked this replay, the opener was pretty cool but like jclark said, the hesitation when you were moving towards uke wasn't that cool. I liked how you got the split on uke, nice kick and setup. I thought it was pretty sloppy how you got uke's hip dm. Just seemed out of place and unwanted in my opinion. You made up for it with that sweet boom tho. I liked how you used the grab to center uke for the boom. The boom itself was pretty cool to. Just wish you got that other pec. Other than that, awesome replay.
Was fucking around in top_handball. Give cnc if you want.
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