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Can I have a rating on this replay?
I think this is an actual good replay. I did this after a long time playing (i.e. today), and somehow, me not playing makes me think I got much better somehow. It probably isn't that good, but still, I think it's decent.
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actually interesting.rpl (46.4 KB, 11 views)
I can relate to the whole not-playing-makes-you-better thing, i think there was actually a study done on it

anyway, though, and i hope i'm not crushing dreams here, the replay... wasn't really anything. the kick didn't quite connect with its target properly and wasn't aimed well, and the punch thing didn't work out. you got into a kind of stance at the end there, which is a start, but you're still just starting on your journey with this game.

i recommend making sure you have a good grasp on exactly what each joint position does, and playing relaxed rather than holdall. that'll lead you to learning more advanced joint combinations and understanding movement in the game. experiment with different mods and looking at different types of replays, and watch them analytically to see how they work alongside watching them for entertainment.

you're at the start, where you know what you want to do and the general things you focus on irl to make those movements. however, there's a lot of stuff your brain does automatically that you have to learn how to do manually (for example, contracting your abs and bending over in tb makes you fall forward, however in real life, your brain takes care of adjusting your hips and ankles automatically). you have to learn those things, as well as some other parts of movement, to really be successful with replays

good luck, keep on rollin'