Original Post
[IMG]Anime WIP Two.

Be harsh, I want to make a nice piece of art ;)

And yes, I posted this in General Art as well, as well as in the Olda board.
I'd like the artists to comment it as well ;)
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Looks fantastic.
I can't find any flaws really. Although, it may be my eyes, but does it looks like there is a big hose going down his throat?
Lighting job done there is pretty nice, I love it in general.

i wub u lSl :D
[vibe] [ORMO] [GATA]

Originally Posted by fargle View Post
I can't find any flaws really.

I can, lots lol... Lots and lots.

Originally Posted by alphasonik
Be harsh, I want to make a nice piece of art ;)

remember this ^^^

Pretty much everything is off but it's not a bad start, I've seen alot worse lol.
The head is a no go.. alrite attempt at the body and the arm perspective isnt that off but it's still not rite. Won't mention the shading simply...

But I have a solution for you, A book... THE BOOK, it's a short book. The Only book you will ever need.. for proportions anatomy and perspective.

It took me several years to find this book, all of which I wish some one had told me about it sooner. I'd been through many anatomy books but none of them made it as simple and easy as this book.

The Link is to a PDF viewer online, there's a download option which is free.

Ask any artist worth his stuff and he will say he learnt from this book.
Last edited by KungFuJC; Feb 5, 2010 at 10:56 AM.
[GATA Elite #2][PigeonHive]Ldr's
Thanks KFJC, I drew this blindly from my imagination.
I thought this is how my body looks.

I'll study it ;)

In the meantime, Update Two:

Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Wow JC, this will be extremely helpful for me! We only did very basic facial anatomy in school art classes, so I've always had trouble with the nose and lips on the face.

Love the drawing for what it is. The bottom chin looks a bit bulgy. That's all I really don't like. Chest is a bit flat compared to the size his arms are. Also, the foreshortening seems a bit off.

I'll have to read that book before I can help though.
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Incognito - [o]
i sorta taught myself facial anatomy while board in history of architecture classes last year
the book thing cleans everything up quite nicely though

alpha, you could probably guess what my crit of your "anime" will be
lines need to be harder and more definate. vectorised if u will
shading should be minimal with definate lines
emphasis and perspective is emphasised by shading differences between background and subject. characters are "vectorised" while background is blurred and shaded

compare your image to

your drawing is more of a realist sketch than anime
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I guess you're right.

I wont call my work Anime anymore, I just like to give it an extra dimension of some sort.

This is still FAR from a finished product though.
I am not done with the lines, and the head will make place for a new one.
I'm planning to give him dark blue jeans.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
I would like to see more updates. It looks very nice so far. Like BenD showed, it is not this ordinary Japanese anime. Let's wait and see how it turns out later.
ya, but you'll notice around the fingers and hair, that the principles are the same. minimal shading and smooth outlines. the enmphasis is on the character and facial emotion and shit, not the gun. so the shading techniques are different.

i suppose you could call this a little more progressive than generic anime, there is more shading, albeit subtle(shorts, face, hot legs)
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-