Original Post
Rank RESTRICTED servers
I'm sick of being gimped by fucking high ranking people coming on 'Beginner' servers, what stupidity saw fit to not rank resrict the servers for newer players to practice with each other. Not only does that limit the potential audience due to frustration, it's just plain unfair and allows people to farm ranks on newer players.

For the love of god implement restrictions- PLEASE
Beginner rooms are rank-restricted. You can't access them if you have Green Belt or higher.

Unless you went into someone's private room...
There are already restrictions.

Some of the official servers have Minimum belt and maximum belt. You can also put belt restrictions in your private servers (if you're an operator).

If you mean you want rank restrictions, that'd serve no purpose. Your rank is just how close you are to getting the next belt in comparison to others.
[RAWR]SlipAnc: two girls, one Siku
[RAWR]Siku: I was talking about having dicks in my mouth
Originally Posted by Zireael07 View Post
Beginner rooms are rank-restricted. You can't access them if you have Green Belt or higher.

Unless you went into someone's private room...

That's belt, not rank.

Originally Posted by Dragonbreath View Post
There are already restrictions.

Some of the official servers have Minimum belt and maximum belt. You can also put belt restrictions in your private servers (if you're an operator).

If you mean you want rank restrictions, that'd serve no purpose. Your rank is just how close you are to getting the next belt in comparison to others.

The rank on your usercard is, yes.
But it's different to your rank ingame.
Your ingame rank is established with an elo system.

I personally quite like this suggestion.
Although I don't think it'd get much use.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.