Originally Posted by aerox21 View Post

And i think piracy shouldn't be illegal if it is only for private use.

That's like saying "it should be okay to steal cars, as long as you just put them in your garage and sit in them sometimes but don't let other people see that you have them."
What's the difference between piracy and lending a game or movie to a mate? I mean, with piracy, someone buys a game and rips it, then shares it. You mate buys a game, then lends it to you. You'll still play the game in both cases. If the idiots in charge of the game companies would realise that people pirate shit BECAUSE it's too expensive, and put the fucking price down, they'd have a lot more people actually buying the product. People nowadays are selfish, that should be apparent. In this economic downturn, I'm paying a heap more for basic living essentials than I was about 5 years ago. Paying $120 for a new game sucks. Of course i'll pirate it if means I won't be spending my money. They sell enough copies in shops anyway. Millions.

Another thing. Today's games tend to only be a few hours long. If I'm paying more for less playing time, I won't buy it. I'll rent it. Or pirate it. One of the only games that I found to be of good value was Crysis Warhead. It was a shorter game than the first, but only by about 2 hours. It had a good multiplayer and a modkit. It was half the price of a regular game in Australia. If you're putting in less content, lower the god damn price. As for CDs being $30 for one album, forget it. I've got over 70gb of music, and I've only paid for 3 CDs because they were from bands that I love and wanted to support. The rest has been taken off friends iPods or downloaded. Movies are great, I can go to the video shop in town, watch a movie, burn it, and return it. I'm paying $2 (on bargain day) to rent it, then I can keep it forever.

All this shit is available to use. Why not use it?
Okay, let's get a an example :

The Sims 3
i playen, it at may , legal player only got it June ...

Yeah ok, piracy isn't ok or good because you're too impatient to wait for the release. That's just being silly. Seriously.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
The only thing I've ever pirated (at first I didn't know it was pirating) is music, but I have a strange philosophy that music should be free anyway. Really, though, it's mostly because of piracy that the stuff is so expensive to begin with.
haha i do filesharing. sharing is caring, after all. and for stewam, i eve have to login, it just logs in automatically, and i never run pirated games through steam, and i always enter a valid key from a keygen.

Real pirates: Buy that which they love, pirate the rest

that's what i do, i'm saving up for l4d because i don't want to pirate it because it's awesome. but my friends keep laughing at me, but i especially don't pirate mp games because then you have to look for cracked servers, w/o punkbuster. plus, i stay away from pirating steam games.

but cod4 i just couldn't resist pirating, it had good sp, and was too expensive.

and i get it when you say it should not be illegal for private use, you mean it should only be illegal if you distribute it or if you host a torrent or pirated file on your website.
Last edited by Carlton; Jun 27, 2009 at 07:25 PM.
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Piracy over legal buy anyday. No one wants to pay for music. Thats what contracts are for. I buy my xbox 360 games. But I Pirate my PC games.
I've never pirated anything. imagine you put years of blood and sweat into making a game and sell it for $60 to make it worth your effort. and you make like $1000 because people are just pirating it and saying "What's the point of buying it when you can get it for free". If piracy gets any easier we'll have a lot less games, movies, and music.