Original Post
```cool MAC games
hi, i want some cool mac games, polz post a link if u can/.
..::RayQue::. .::Pacman::. .::2Handclap::. .::Bro::.. ..::J4dead::.. Awesoume sets
Best Mac games can be found here... Valve recently made the OrangeBox available to Mac users. Games like Hl2, Portal, and Team Fortress 2.

Also when Portal 2 comes out , so will the PS3 version of Steam Friends! This means that you'll be able to play Portal 2 across three platforms ... pc, mac, and ps3
You people know NOTHING of Mac games.

Hawken, start here...

Also, for some of the best in Mac Shareware, go here...

For Mac Gaming news...

Now THAT is how you answer such a question... philistines...
Lugaru HD. Sauerbraten. Those are two pretty good games. Sauerbraten is free, and lugaru HD costs about 10$.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I'd suggest Cortex Command. Brilliant 2D game, look here for details.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))