Mod Maker doesn't export turnframes properly

I started using modmaker about a week ago. Two days ago it stopped exporting turnframes properly. I set tf to 10,20,30 for example, after the mod has been exported and loaded again tf are 10,1,1. When I set tf to 22,50,50,50,50 they come out as 22,1,1,1,1 and so on. So modmaker replaces every turnframe with 1 except for the first turnframe.

It makes no difference if I use the command /set tf. Mods that had been exported three days ago and more still work properly. After the exported mod has been loaded i can change tf the way I want. But of course I don't want to change tf everytime I open new mods.

What I've tried so far: downloaded und reinstalled Toribash (new folder, not overwritten), I use version 4.5. It still doesn't work and I dont know what to do.

yep, i think this is a newish bug, I've had it a few times. The simplest way to fix it, is to use notepad.

open the exported mod file in notepad.

somewhere near the top you will see the turn frame line.

turnframes 22,1,1,1,1 etc

just replace the numbers with whatever you want the frames to be and save.

If you save it as something else, make sure you type the .tbm and save as "All Files" otherwise toribash won't recognise it.

There should be a post to document mod maker bugs in really. It's still quite new and there are still a few bugs.

~ha didn't see the next page. No worries, that's a fix for anyone else with the same problem.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

Hello, I'm making a Solar System mod - to what end, I don't know yet - and I'm having trouble simulating the darkness of space. I first tried putting it into a black box, but if you look at the walls at an angle they lighten up. So then I tried the World Colour 0, 0, 0 thingie, but that didn't help. I was wondering if anyone on here had any suggestions. Thanks.
I think it's World Colour 256, 256, 256 or something.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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Hey there. I have made a mod (ohlolzhead.tbm), saved it to mods, but whenever i load it on a server it doesn't work. -.- can someone help me?
Originally Posted by OhLolz View Post
Hey there. I have made a mod (ohlolzhead.tbm), saved it to mods, but whenever i load it on a server it doesn't work. -.- can someone help me?

I checked it in the mods list and it's not there...
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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How do i make TRANSPARENT box/sphere/cylinder
How do i make a breakable box/sphere/cylinder

Can anyone answer my questions?
Just a bunch of non-static objects piled on top of each other. Also for the transparent part, there's a visible tick box somewhere on the mod maker.
"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
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