Original Post
[R]equesting a Void Top Hat Flame
Hey I am requesting a Void Top Hat Flame. I want the flame to be set so It doesn't move and it stays on my head. I also Want it to be the size of a magician hat. I am Looking for it to be perfect. I know I need the particle also, but I will get that soon. So Plz Try making this.
I'm back :)
When you mean the price is high. How High are you talking about -_-.
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Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
It ends up well over 100k.
BTW, since you have a request thread, you shouldn't post in flame shops about buying.

Ok I wont sry about that Nugget

Originally Posted by davidbash View Post
u mean like hanz0 his flame got?

Well I never seen hanz0 flame.
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Well I did that and the flame wont show -_-. Can someone post a screeny for me.
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