ES Recruitment Drive
Originally Posted by Alextaker View Post
how do u make a 3/4 player match

You don't, it's not working with the current version, next time try to read the previous posts and see when they have been posted.
Clan Blood Leader
Huhuhuhu!!! Very nice... But it doesn't work on the new version... Just on the Olda one huhuhuhu!!!

Originally Posted by Alextaker View Post
oh why oh why cant u make a 3/4 player match

3/4 players replays dont work in 3.8, if you want to play them use 3.72.
Originally Posted by couzo View Post
3/4 players replays dont work in 3.8, if you want to play them use 3.72.

why cant it work in v3.8
if your pro at joust then join my clan called pro joust
Originally Posted by elitebelt View Post
LOL LOOK AT DA do you create the file and edit it?i just wanna play with four damn guys!

if you want something done correctly, do it yourself!
You, gotta update this juntails (i think your gone but i don't really know)
This functionality doesn't work anymore, but since that site's no longer up, I figured I should probably post this source. Who knows, maybe it will help someone with something. (It's pretty bad PHP though, since I wrote it when I was just starting to learn the language) Sorry that you have to wade through poorly designed HTML.

<DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Hoon - Tal - Ees</title>
function checkIt(evt) {
    evt = (evt) ? evt : window.event;
    var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : evt.keyCode;
	    if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) {
	            status = "This field accepts numbers only.";
		            return false;
    status = "";
    return true;

<h1><font style="font-family: Verdana,Arial;">Toribash 3/4 Person Replay Generator</font></h1>
					<br /> <br />
					<font style="font-family: Verdana,Arial;">
					Before I begin, please understand that this will only generate the file contents of a replay file. This <b>does not</b> allow you to play online with 3/4 players. To edit the replay in-game, play the replay in Toribash, then quickly hit the <b>E</b> button. This will take you into edit mode, which will then allow you to do whatever the hell you please. Enjoy.
					</font>	 <br /><br />
			  				 <table style="width: 688px; border: 0; padding: 0; margin-bottom: 6px;">
								 	<td style="border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; text-align: left; padding: 0 2px 2px 2px; background-color: #FFFFFF;">
										<span style="font-family: Verdana,Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; font-weight: normal; padding: 2px;">
										<span style="font-family: Verdana,Arial; font-size: 13px; color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">
											3/4 Person Replay Generator
									<td style="border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000; text-align: left; padding: 4px; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial,Verdana; font-size: 13px; color: #000000; font-weight: normal;">
if (isset($_GET['people'])) {
	echo '<i>Below, you will find the contents of the replay file generated. To access the replay from your Toribash client, simply create a new file in your Toribash/replay folder called threefour.rpl or something along those lines. Paste the text below in, and save. After that, you should be able to use the replay in the Toribash client.';
	$people = $_GET['people'];
	$mf = $_GET['mf']; 
	$tf = $_GET['tf'];
	$flags = $_GET['flags'];
	$ed = $_GET['ed'];
	$selfdamage = $_GET['selfdamage'];
	$sumo = $_GET['sumo'];
	$mod = $_GET['mod'];
	$dojosize = $_GET['dojosize'];
	$dmthresh = $_GET['dmthresh'];
	$fracturethresh = $_GET['fracturethresh'];
	$eh = $_GET['eh'];
	$er = $_GET['er'];
	$es = $_GET['es'];
	$dqtimeout = $_GET['dqtimeout'];
	$dojotype = $_GET['dojotype'];
	$gravityx = $_GET['gravityx'];
	$gravityy = $_GET['gravityy'];
	$gravityz = $_GET['gravityz'];
	$dqflag = $_GET['dqflag'];
	$playera = $_GET['player1'];
	$playerb = $_GET['player2'];
	$playerc = $_GET['player3'];
	if ($people=="three")
		$numplay = 3;
		$newgame = 'NEWGAME 0;'.$mf.' '.$tf.' 0 0 0 '.$flags.' '.$ed.' '.$selfdamage.' '.$sumo.' '.$mod.' 0 '.$dojosize.' '.$dmthresh.' '.$fracturethresh.' '.$eh.' 0 1 0 '.$numplay.' '.$er.' 0 '.$es.' '.$dqtimeout.' 0 '.$dojotype.' '.$gravityx.' '.$gravityy.' '.$gravityz.' '.$dqflag.' 0';
$txtout = '#!/usr/bin/toribash
#made with junts replay gen
FIGHTNAME 0; FourPlayer
BOUT 0; '.$playera.'
BOUT 1; '.$playerb.'
BOUT 2; '.$playerc.'
AUTHOR 0; Juntalis
ENGAGE 0; 3.000000 9.000000 0.000000 0 0 0
ENGAGE 1; -3.000000 3.500000 0.000000 0 0 180
ENGAGE 2; -3.000000 9.000000 0.000000 0 0 0
	elseif ($people=="four")
	$numplay = 4;
	$newgame = 'NEWGAME 0;'.$mf.' '.$tf.' 0 0 0 '.$flags.' '.$ed.' '.$selfdamage.' '.$sumo.' '.$mod.' 0 '.$dojosize.' '.$dmthresh.' '.$fracturethresh.' '.$eh.' 0 1 0 '.$numplay.' '.$er.' 0 '.$es.' '.$dqtimeout.' 0 '.$dojotype.' '.$gravityx.' '.$gravityy.' '.$gravityz.' '.$dqflag.' 0';
	$playerd = $_GET['player4'];
$txtout = '#!/usr/bin/toribash
#made with junts replay gen
FIGHTNAME 0; FourPlayer
BOUT 0; '.$playera.'
BOUT 1; '.$playerb.'
BOUT 2; '.$playerc.'
BOUT 3; '.$playerd.'
AUTHOR 0; Juntalis
ENGAGE 0; 3.000000 9.000000 0.000000 0 0 0
ENGAGE 1; -3.000000 3.500000 0.000000 0 0 180
ENGAGE 2; -3.000000 9.000000 0.000000 0 0 0
ENGAGE 3; 3.000000 3.500000 0.000000 0 0 180
																																																					echo '<br /><br /><center><textarea cols="50" rows="10" readonly="readonly">'.$txtout.'</textarea>';
echo "									<form name=\"mainform\"\">\n"; 
echo "											<i>Please note, I did very little debugging, so if you intentionally put in incorrect values and end up with a corrupt or otherwise flawed replay, that's your own fault.</i><br />\n"; 
echo "											<input type=\"radio\" value=\"three\" name=\"people\" OnFocus=\"mainform.player4.disabled=true\" checked>&nbsp;Three People<br />\n"; 
echo "											<input type=\"radio\" value=\"four\" name=\"people\" OnFocus=\"mainform.player4.disabled=false\">&nbsp;Four People<br /><br />\n"; 
echo "\n"; 
echo "											\n"; 
echo "											Player 1: <input type=\"text\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"25\" name=\"player1\" value=\"Tori\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Player 2: <input type=\"text\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"25\" name=\"player2\" value=\"Uke\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Player 3: <input type=\"text\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"25\" name=\"player3\" value=\"Player3\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Player 4: <input type=\"text\" size=\"12\" maxlength=\"25\" name=\"player4\" value=\"Player4\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\" disabled><br /><br />\n"; 
echo "											\n"; 
echo "											Match Frames:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"mf\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"500\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Turn Frames:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"tf\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"10\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "\n"; 
echo "											Mod:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"mod\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"25\" value=\"classic\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Flags:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"flags\" size=\"2\" maxlength=\"2\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Self-Damage:<br />  <input type=\"text\" name=\"selfdamage\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"1\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											\n"; 
echo "											Engage Distance:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"ed\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"100\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Engage Height:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"eh\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "\n"; 
echo "											Engage Rotation:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"er\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Engage Space:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"es\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Sumo Mode (0 means wrists and ankles DQ. 1 means they don't): <br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"sumo\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"1\" value=\"1\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Dojo Type:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dojotype\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"1\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Dojo Size:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dojosize\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "\n"; 
echo "											DQ Flag:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dqflag\" size=\"1\" maxlength=\"1\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											DQ Timeout:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dqtimeout\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Dismember Threshold:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"dmthresh\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"100\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Fracture Threshold:<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"fracturethresh\" size=\"8\" maxlength=\"8\" value=\"0\" onKeyPress=\"return checkIt(event)\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br />\n"; 
echo "											Gravity (X,Y,Z):<br /> <input type=\"text\" name=\"gravityx\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"0\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"gravityy\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"0\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"> <input type=\"text\" name=\"gravityz\" size=\"3\" maxlength=\"15\" value=\"-9.820000\" onfocus=\"if(this.value == this.defaultValue) this.value = ''\"><br /><br />\n"; 
echo "\n"; 
echo "											<input type=\"submit\" size=\"8\" value=\"Generate\"><br /><br />\n"; 
echo "										</form>\n";

									<br /><br />
					<p />
			   <div class="clear"></div>
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And attached.
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