Original Post
While the dragon lords sleep.....
It is up to the disciples of the lords to take control of the clan and ensure it's immortality. Should we elites take control until wolfreaperz is ready to take action? Now I know reaper bashed Sam for trying to take control but I think it is necassary if we elites form an oligarchy and try to get this clan back on it's feet and restore some loyalty and bolster morale! Also didn't Wolf take control of the clan a while back when he was just a member and eventually get recognized as a co leader or did empream say he could, I never followed kick's history that much? Because if that's true then that would make him a hypocrite but I apologize if I'm wrong.
I agree. I'll come back as long as I can get this clan going. This is insane. The leader comes back after like 2 weeks to make one post to tell someone to stop trying to keep this clan alive. I do want to come back, but not to the state it is at now where I am not allowed to help the clan. I'll come back if hellfire's request is answered.

It seems pretty greedy of out 3 leaders who are hardly ever on to keep their position in the clan when there are extremely active people right here.

I really don't wanna be in a clan where I'm allowed to do virtually nothing.
Last edited by Samule; Nov 21, 2007 at 04:53 AM.
we have 3 leaders !!! .....and none of them is active >.<
i hate this ..
i think if we wanna help ,we should be recruiters for now

But if we do, wolfreaperz will do notice in 2 weeks and then tell us we can't.

If we really pull through and do this, I'll come back.
make it this way, go ahead, jump together and we'll try to keep this thing alive and become more active, if wolf don't like it, then fuck it - let kick die.

but first - we control this here until a leader tells us to stop or until a leader comes back and starts being active.
so lets say we are leaders now wat ? wat we gonna do ?
nothin i guess !

we just need more loyal active members =\
