Original Post
a challenge...
i have tried to duel with mbk many times but he has ignored me. because of this and his inactivity i have to assume that he is not the best player in cbk.

i come here with this challenge because cbk is one of the best clans and its impossible to find a good match anymore....

i have 250k tc and will duel, in aikido, for anything up to that amount. send your best player to fight me!

and remember it is out of respect for cbk that i make this challenge.
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y
Fight me, I dont know if Im the bast, but IM THE RAPER of this shit.
And I dont have 250 K. =D
so name your price.... at least 10k tho :P

mbk has over 4mil tc if you need some maybe he'll hook you up lol
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y
I have control of MBK's account at the moment. Also, I propose a challenge as well. You can have your aikido match. But your opponent gets to pick a mode too. I'll not have you more or less hustling my members.
Last edited by Hamr; Dec 28, 2008 at 06:48 AM.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
I fight him ... Mwheuhahaha.
If no members are goin to fight him, I'll. I choose Kickbox for my mod, AND I DONT HAVE 10K. =D
Lol fury.
I'll duel you, After i finish my set :o
Lol, Go hebrew pwn him for all of cbk.
Cap 'n' Crunch has worked for Quaker Oats for the past 35 years click here and support promoting him to admiral.
im not here to hustle anyone. I'm here looking for a challenging/exiting fight. Hustling would be disguising my skill but i do not. That said, I don't duel in mods other than aikido. I'm not here to trick anyone, but im not here to waste time either. cbk is one of the best clans so i would hope to find among it's members some of the best players. I'm not forcing anyone to take my challenge, but the mod is aikido or a variant to be agreed upon. as for the 10k minimum, anything less i consider wasting my time.

hamr youre pretty cool man and i know you have some disdain for me because i said that mbk was scared to duel me in irc. please understand that this was half a joke/half a taunt. I have always wanted to fight him, when i was a brown belt one of your members told me i should try to join you and duel mbk, but it has never happened and i know he is very good. i said that in irc with no other intent than taking a shot at enticing him into a duel.

so, feel free to accept or decline my challenge and either way i still have nothing but respect for cbk as im sure you do for RAWR.
Last edited by gr3yh47; Dec 30, 2008 at 08:23 PM.
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y
So youre a coward. You wanna choose Aikido cuz youre a little girl that start crying when somebody wanna choose another mod to duel with you? We'll choose 2 Mods or we'll not fight.
my challenge is to duel in aikido, which you seemed excited about, Until someone said you should do a second mod. i dont often play anything other than aikido/sambo and variants, so no i wont accept a duel in a mode i dont really play. seems you're declining my challenge based on your last post so i guess i must take my search for a worthy opponent elsewhere.
MANtrain: I would assume you'd have the good sense not to puke on your own stuff. Of course...people drown in their own puke, so maybe not. Rock on gr3y