Original Post
I found him randomly when I was hanging around ingame as rarely as I do, so I tested him. He has good style, he seems like a good kid, he uses grammar. >.>

To get to the point, welcome our newest member, Cinamintz.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Welcome cinamintz
Sweet new member.
Dont forget to add him to the roster, list and the belt list.
Last edited by Unite4Fun; Jan 1, 2009 at 01:53 AM.
Cap 'n' Crunch has worked for Quaker Oats for the past 35 years click here and support promoting him to admiral.
I did I love it, You've gotta make me a new captain crunch head :3
Cap 'n' Crunch has worked for Quaker Oats for the past 35 years click here and support promoting him to admiral.