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How does this elo work??
Just playing a few ranked games and this isn't adding up to me?

After the first game i played i was 3-1 vs a ranked 8 player. This positioned me at rank 135. Some how there is many players with scores worse or the same, but they are much higher ranks like all the way up to 20.

I doubt they beat players with a higher elo than i did as rank 8 is pretty up there?

I then played again against ranked 110 and went 3-0 making me 6-1 in total.. putting me up to rank 40. Still i am behind players with much worse scores

Can someone explain this to me?
The higher ranked players are playing all 3 mods and have way higher elo on their top one, your flat elo in bigshitdojo wont be helping and you're a good few points off the current "average" for them.

At the moment you'd be needing a 1605->1610 average or better across all 3 to break into the top 20, and around 1615 average to hit the top 10.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
The higher ranked players are playing all 3 mods and have way higher elo on their top one, your flat elo in bigshitdojo wont be helping and you're a good few points off the current "average" for them.

At the moment you'd be needing a 1605->1610 average or better across all 3 to break into the top 20, and around 1615 average to hit the top 10.

Jaker250 has 3 wins 2 losses, does he have 3 wins in ABD and 2 losses in other mods, is there a way to check what games he has played.

My score is 3-0 TK 2-0 Lenshu 1-1 ABD.

Does this really make any sense that ABD is purely the deciding mod for some reason? still pretty confused.
When you get your rank first it doesnt always match your actual eank at first. The system puts you somewhere relative to where your opponent is placed. The system recalculates ranks at some point in the day and puts you in the correct spot.
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
Does this really make any sense that ABD is purely the deciding mod for some reason? still pretty confused.

At the time your ABD rank was around 120, so yeah that would have been bad. At that point you'd either need to be in the top 10 in the other 2 mods to offset it, or drag it up a bit.

That said, the global ELO calculations feel a bit off IMO.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you