Original Post
Would this be a duel scam?
Well, I was in the Judofrac tourney... I just won and a guy came up to me. He wanted to duel with me. I said "Sure why not" so he tells me to /jo Duel. So I follow him into this. He wanted to do wushu but no I suck at that. So he changes to a mod I've never heard of called "Runkido" We play a few practice rounds before he switches on the duel for 5k. I say no he bumps down to 2k and then I enter. Little did I know that he sneakily edited it when the duel started. The turns were very long and the turn length didn't show up. I was like WTF So I played again and I was like WTF again. The third time I caught onto his little game and told him to refund me. He told me he would but he never did... Wow... His username was Mangofire. Source: Account history.

Nice try Mangofire but I've caught onto your little game.

There was 3 games we played and he must refund me that 6k he conned me out of.
Hmm, I remember him challenging you, but, you gotta provide screenshots for evidence otherwise there is no proof for this..
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
If he changed any of the gamerules, it would have said in the chat log what was changed and the value that it was changed to. If none of that was there, then nothing was edited and you either had a stroke and forgot how to play the mod for a second, or the game glitched out. Either way, if you don't have any screenshots, then no one will be able to help. You may be stuck.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
hey, can you please post a thread i scam reports? I'll be able to help you for sure because he's done the same thing to a lot of different people
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