Original Post
[R] Requesting Clan banners 15k
(WarHead) Clan needs professional banners and artwork for our clan page. These images need to be Nuclear,Radioactive,Explosions,Mushroom Clouds, Missles, anything military Weapons of mass destruction type stuff any of that should do as long as it looks good.

:Tasks needed:

1 clan banner (main pic)

2 Clan story, Recruitment, IRC, Goals, Rules, Vault/Bank, Members, Allies, Enemies,Wars,

Payment will be 15k - 18k from the clan account WarHeadTC here is the Vault account.
Last edited by DimeBag77; Jan 27, 2014 at 12:03 PM.
bro thats actually pretty damn cool can you make all the deviders similar to that as well?
yes of course and try to make them a bit differnt but still similar so its not the same pics over and over