cool bro, also selling the ivory that I sent u or no?
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post

missuse jes' ti dobro? Ziv i zdrav nakon ovog time-shift-a?

oh, lepo od tebe sto pitas, bas si me obradovao!
Da da sve je u redu, posoje 2 baze podataka, jedna za forum i jedna za iteme, itemi su neosteceni, uglavnom sve rasprodajem i ostajem na itemima koji su mi potrebni. Kad je sve nesigurno.

Incae forum onakakv kakav je bio je zauvek izgubljen, svi ti postovi,
nove stvari koje su uvedene od tada ce orati ponovo da budu napravljene.

Kako si mi ti? Jolly ceka da napravis prodavnicu za karte kao sto si pravio za Hung, mnogo su dobre, ja cu da ih stampam ako ih napravis!
wishful eyes deceive me
Lol i had just to put the old pass.
Anyway really weird..i didn't lost anything(neither 1 tc) O.o
maybe just 1k qi(i played really few in this period:P)
Are you interested in my deactivated inventory?
Send a pm to Missuse for trade(NOT TO ME)
qi, tc, items all is fine, only forum is fucked up

2 databases, one for forum and one for items and shit
wishful eyes deceive me
oki baby, just send it
u will prob get around 50k for typhoon in the end
wishful eyes deceive me
Nothing happened here, except for gk.
Seems like my inventary and my tcs are the same as before.

EDIT: My sign. D:
Long gone