Original Post
[SOLVED] my booster stopped giving me tc and I stopped getting qi
my booster stopped giving me tc and I stopped getting qi I bought the booster yester day and I don't know what's happening help
It's because you have gotten to the limit of 100 games a day. Might want to wait 24 hours before you play again.
Name your thread in descriptive way, "GLITCHED", "HELP PLS", "OMG BUG", "WTF NO WORK??" tell nothing about the contents of the thread.

And to expand on HammyBank's answer: it's a limit of 100 games within 24h; to be able to win TC 100 times again you'd have to wait exactly that long.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos