Original Post
Symbol Clan Tryouts (Unofficial)
If your loking for a easy to get into clan! then im your man! we accept anyone over yellow belt and this is a great clan to start with! if you wish to join just reply with 3 awsome replays of you bashin uke! EDIT: forgot the story! well i was on a russian server (dont ask why) and i was fighting peopel i beat somone and I said gg they said a bunch of russian Symbols i said "i do not understand russian Symbols" he said in english letters "i bearly understand amarican Symbols" thus gave me the idea to make the clan symbol! we storm the toribash area using the clan arts Symbol Style Judo we kill any noob in our way!
Last edited by SuppaKick; Mar 27, 2008 at 02:30 AM.
Double the action, double the NEWBARAMA!