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Notifications for Thread replies
so, what i mean is, sometimes there is an important thread for me i would like to see the replies on it.
what do you think if there is an option to enable/disable getting messages for new replies on subscribed thread? or just for each thread options/tools??
so example:

Example thread > Thread Tools > Enable Notifications.

and the notification comes as a pm like:
00assassin00 replied on thread: Example Thread

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Something I currently do is subscribe to threads w/ instant email notification. In effect, it's literally the same thing as what you're suggesting.
Nope, it is completely different, I dont open my email lol.
Notifications in forum would help many people and it is different.
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Originally Posted by 00Assassin00 View Post
Nope, it is completely different, I dont open my email lol.
Notifications in forum would help many people and it is different.

He means that you can subscribe to threads without getting an email verification (by selecting "no email notification"). They show up in your User Control Panel and it's really easy to use.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
still different, this system will remind me of a thread, but subscribing will not, lemme explain:
a thread like nblx' set, i would like to know every of it, so i enable notifications thing for it, and when someone replies, i get a notification, so i can see the reply.
but subscribing will not remind me and i will have to check it all the time.
got it?
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I understand, you want to be messaged every time someone replies. I think this is a bit inconvenient, considering it's just one click away to see all of your subscribed threads. Can you explain how this would be much different from just checking your UCP every time you log in?
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I understand, you want to be messaged every time someone replies. I think this is a bit inconvenient, considering it's just one click away to see all of your subscribed threads. Can you explain how this would be much different from just checking your UCP every time you log in?

It's not really different at all. It takes the same amount of time. He just wants a cool new feature that TELLS HIM that a thread he cares about got bumped. It's unnecessary programming for our development team (Unless he'd be so kind as to make a sample program to show us how he'd like this done) and it's been suggested before. It didn't catch on the last 20 times, it probably won't now.
I think I might be retired.
still different guys, what about if i forgot about a thread?
also, i might forget about the subscribed threads, and i will have to check it everyday.
but with notification, i will be easy reminded of some thread.
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