Nice job on stealing my template.
Now that you have your pixel img, may i ask you not to post here ever again? Thank you.
Uh...maldiluna,when u get a chance to make my head avy,do u mind if i just copy the full body template to put the head on it?just for my own personal use not for sell or anything.
I work for free, if you don't want to wait and you can make your avi yourself, do it. I have an exam tomorrow and another one on monday, i'm quite busy.
im not in a rush,i cant do the avy ha,u kidding me..ur's are pro and mine would be...not so pro......wait was that message even for me? cause im not in a rush....good luck on the exam though
Really nice work Maldi ;)

Maybe one for me? Full set?
As you want...
Last edited by sny; Jul 3, 2009 at 12:10 AM.
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.

me again, I got another texture

I can do one? (please )

<ganryu> Alan, sos mas idiota que tu gato
<ganryu> Alan, you're more idiot than your cat