My App
Hello. My name is Siet and as you can see i made a wonderful app(hopefully) for all of you to see. Let get started
My toribash life
I started in April 11 or this year. This is alt that i play as in off and account.My real account is Qukslice(Which is 3rd Dan black belt). My belt is orange. My win rate is 57.69 and i enjoy playing toribash a lot. I play usually once every day and go on the forums once a day although i usually don't post. Most of my time playing toribash is either playing a tourney or jumping about on user made small server with the occasional bet server . Ive not been in a clan on this profile but on others ive been in aoh(Still in that one),Rae(Also know as wolf pack)and one more i cant remember of.
My real life
My real name is Gabriel.I am 15 years old and am turn 16 this summer.I live in a town in Massachusetts so my GMT is -8 .I usually have some time to spare and i have a skype. My name on that Skype is slicequk.
Why i want to join
I have blossomed with teamwork so i guessed well having a clan would help me a lot. Ive also helped many people within this group so having me in your clan would help not only one but many people. Now i shall end this with my signature
