Original Post
Head texture 128x128
Hi, im getting bored of my head texture and need something new.
here are the two styles i want the head in:

I can pay 3-4k for this

remember its a 128x128 head please
thank you.
My inability to use emoticons correctly is really getting me down :)
I'm in

Edit: Done, I made a zombie head.. it would go nice with pharoh force, If you don't like it I'll make new one
Last edited by Tripple; Apr 30, 2010 at 08:36 PM.
Member of [RAM]
thats quite nice angel could you make the eyes a darker colour please? and tripple i dont like the zombie head too much. try somthing like sheangels
My inability to use emoticons correctly is really getting me down :)
Torigash you need gimp to make the spinning heads
if you have it then:
open the head you want to make spin and go filters>animation>spinning globe>and make it about 40 frames
(btw you need to save it as a .gif and save as animation)
hope that helped