Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
So, I looked into this qi thing, turns out my cousin, who's orginal account is rock64 and this was his secondary, then I bought it off of him in 2010. Anyway he was the owner of this account before me, and he purchased qi from a person named kai tiger, I personally don't know of him, but he said that's who he bought it off of.

lol i also found that Mosier bought qi hehe, but yeah, i think that's it.

so you are not the same imod that left jolly back in 2009?
Nope, I was aware of this account back then because I wanted it from Julian, but sadly no, I was in bit less clans than him, theres kind of a pattern change that can be checked in overall career length, but I really don't talk to him anymore so when I contact him, it's through a YouTube account that I message him through and I'm either always asking him about toribash or grandhase which is why I was unsure as to the reason why "I" left , but I have learned over the past years that he didn't start too well rep wise, it seems that back in the time he had the account he purchased QI he also bought a demon force for 1$, however after this time there was never another $ purchase made on this account because I have not and will not spend real money on an online video game, I understand it helps the game but $10 for and 13 for a demon force is bullshit, but yes this a different person, I was kinda involved with this account back then, but I was not an owner, I only played ingame like 2 hours a week while he was in school I would log onto the account, and I didn't know how to use the forums back then.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
but u remembered about my 9th dan belt and very other details about the past when we talked!
The first ninety minutes of a football match are the most important.
why didn't you say that in the application?
this is very odd for me
letting us think you are one of our old clan m8s where in fact you are someone totally different
wishful eyes deceive me
State what mods you can play. AikidoBD, Tk, Kb, Wushu, aikido, etc.

State whats your belt (At least 7th Dan). Custom Belt.

State your reason for wanting to join JollyRoger. Reason why I want to join: The clan is recommended to be good.
I have a very good experience but not enough to know what is being in a clan.
I know the rules of the clan.
I have a clean record, no fraud, no hack, and so on.
I think a good and experienced clan.

State if you had any earlier clans that you were part of. Yes, are Latin and eVo.

State why u left that clan. Latin Because I Was Not comfortable and in eVo I Struggle with for Some liars who only wanted me Forbidden.

State if you had any earlier accounts (including the names of those accounts). Just RKG.

State if you have bought Qi. Agggghhh No Buy Qi is for noobs.

State past infractions/bans. 8 infractions (but it was very heavy redundant)

State your timezone. -6 (Mexico)

State your age. 16 Years wiiuuuuwiiiiiuwww

Forum activity. Very active in the forum (Post: 4,731 :S)

Vouchers (The guy who invited you). Yeahh!!! My friend DropKick

Any special skills (such as texture making, video making, things like that). Lately I have not had much time.

Some replays. Nop

And finally state something about youself,that you would like us to know. I am calm, relaxed, friendly and sometimes cool.
I like to worry about my friends, never criticize anyone and I'm not racist.
Last edited by RKG; Sep 26, 2011 at 03:25 AM.
Originally Posted by RKG View Post
Nick: RKG

Belt: Custom

Previous Clans: Latin, eVo.

GMT: -6

Experience: One and a half.

Mod: AikidoBD, Wushu, aikido, Tk, Kb.

Reason why I want to join: The clan is recommended to be good.
I have a very good experience but not enough to know what is being in a clan.
I know the rules of the clan.
I have a clean record, no fraud, no hack, and so on.
I think a good and experienced clan.

ahhhh and My english is bad. :S I speak Spanish.
That's all and I expect a good response.

you did not fill out the entire application do that and try again
ima crusin for a bruisn
I apologize, I didn't think it was that important, and noen like I said I used to play on this account a few hours a week while my cousin was at school, so I've met alot of people ingame.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
@RKG: we are discussing you in the forums

I'd vouch for you bro
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
my app

about the rules: i ignore rules.... that's my only rule... but since im following it... i guess i follow the rules.

mods: mostly taekkyon and wushu(fixed), but i also enjoy some aikido action.

belt: 10th Dan

reason for joining: well i had my own clan for 2-3 years but i dont have any time to be leader of anything anymore... so i wanted to join a good clan and JollyR was highly recommended to me. (im not one of those guys who say "YOUR CLAN ROCKS I WANNA JOIN YOU) i was told this was one of the best clans to be in.

early clans: Mafia, Guardians[the old clan that did in 2009(?) not the new Guardians....], DAT, F-K (the clan i owned)
ps: they were all official, i stayed in mafia until it died, same as guardians... about DAT i left after 1 year there to start a clan with a friend.

early accounts: none.... when i started toribash(white belt) i add some alts to get money from on.toribash xD but it wasnt worth it so i never touched those accounts... this is my one and only account.

state if you bought QI or bought an account with higher QI: No and No

past infractions/bans: i had 2 infractions in 2008 or 2009 for commenting 2 textures shops without buying anything. (i didnt know there was a rule against it)

timezone: GMT 0 or GMT + 1 depends on the time of the year. im from Portugal so its the "default" GMT same as the one in England.

age: 16

forum activity: active every day ;)

in-game activity: only singleplayer at the moment, multiplayer only a few times when i play with friends.

vouchers: no one invited me

special skills: i did textures a few years ago(won some tc's with it), i started to work with Blender in the summer. i did 1-2 videos but they werent anything special.
in other words no special skills ;) just Blender

Replays: look on the attachements

state something about yourself that you would like us to know: well im a nice guy lol... seriously there isnt anything special that you should know about.

PS: thank you for reading my app
Attached Files
my opener challenge 37 3.rpl (275.7 KB, 12 views)
Belt: 10th Dan ; Clan: JollyR
Orgs: ORMO, Portugal Organization and T3AL
not bad app(i'm honest..the reason of joining isn't "one of the best"),the inactivity may be a problem,but if you are an active sp player may be ok too(but the problem of sp is that you may lack a bit of relationship with the clan:the forum is a good way,but it is "cold"..i think only from playing togheter in a room may born a good relationship between 2 persons in tb).
We will discuss you in the secret forum,i hope you already knew that our decisions may take long time(usually if you receive a fast response,it is negative,so if it took more time is a good thing:it mean that there are a discussion about you,instead of an insta no).
I advise you that we search mostly for skilled players who may also become good members and possibily friends,so for increase your chance i higly raccomand you to start to meet us for show your personality(that is a requirement as important as skills)
Last edited by bRuCiA; Sep 26, 2011 at 11:53 PM.
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