Original Post
(Quantum) Quantum
Main DSC page

Clan Story

Quantum, a clan not yet known but soon will be. Anyway, the point is, you want to know about quantum dont you? It is a mysterious clan that came out of nowhere, soon to be filled with awesome toribash players. But one good clan always starts with the best. Drkarlwho and Gymbash started this clan filled with mystery and greatness, with unknown forces. These forces will make you one of the lucky few toribash players to be awesome. So why not join? Why not be awesome? This is why Quantum was made.


Get Clan Tag [X]
5 members [X]
10 members [X]
15 members [X]
5k in clan bank [X]
10k in clan bank [X]
50k in clan bank [X]
Make an enemy [X]
Host an event [X]
Be in 10 clan wars [X]
Become official [-]

1. Be respectful
2. Use proper grammar
3. Don't spam the thread
4.Post more than 5 words
5.Use / invade tag if you're not a member/ally and you're going to post here.
6.Do NOT ask for a rank up.
7. Keep the clan's reputation clean.
(follow these and we will be alright)

Allys and Enemies

Members cards

Clan music:

Clan video:

Clan Thread:


Send any donation to Quantbank
Current TC in bank: 84,549tc
XheroS- 3600tc
firetiger96- 1820tc
sonic0203- 2034tc
b3st3v3r- 1001tc
100dj- 1300tc
Buck_Turgidson- 1000tc
Mikikillaz- 11000tc
Manxie- 1000tc
scorpionma- 5000tc


Last edited by Rust; Apr 11, 2013 at 08:06 AM.
New thread?? Cool :3

Btw, I donated 21k plus 4k so its 25k :3
Thanks for adding me to za donations anyways lol
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
Oh, a new thread! Well, i wanted to ask if there is any planned time to go official? I know we just restarted but still...
Texturer KnC Member Me
Btw, can I invite Umgcow back? :3
Proud Founder/Leader of Odd and Member of RSO
Proud and Loyal Sensei of xXShio13Xx, Rodac, Firetiger, Umgcow, and DeaThDAN
/offtopic if i'm inactive the next few days it's because i'll be at a place with out wifi so see you when i come back
Stay humbility and you will shake it til you make it ;)
Mmm I'm likely just bored
It's okay fire, see you when you get back ^__^
Yassir, will you pm me the pass of the bank account so I can make the first post look nice and neater?
I hate living in Texas -_-
new thread yayyayayayaya and gym no sorry :c just tell me tips on how to make it look nicer.
Miki, thats right you donated 21k but then u wanted 13k back so its 15k*
Im gonna add mistermats card too
What's up?
Long time huh? Sry for it
I was busy having a good time with my GY CD
But well i rly loved the new thread.
Last edited by Thanatos; Jun 21, 2012 at 12:55 AM.
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