PerfectBro,Why can't i be moderator like i was yesterday?
Playing toribash occassionally, but you can still follow me on
My Steam Group
Fantom. Not being mean. But just deal with you position and dont complain please? Thanks.
Miku please... You know my whole story?Thanks
Playing toribash occassionally, but you can still follow me on
My Steam Group
I was also once a co leader. But im not complaining.
So please. Leave the complaints for a pm. Arguments shall not be needed here.
I wasnt " part " of this argument, I just told that. Also two years is quite long time.

Apathetic User
dr, i was just saying that arguments shouldnt be in here. And the complaining should be taken to pm's Thats all. i wasnt saying you were a "part" of anything.
I know that, but I said just to make sure you dont think so, alright, lets all shut up and quit with this topic
Lets talk about games

Apathetic User
Alright dr. Makes sense. Anyhow. I've recently decided to get back into toribash. so yeah.