Your Characters Name: Petrus

Your Characters Age (17-90): 17

Your Characters Gender (Male/Female): Male

Your Characters Fighting Style
(Real Martial art or General Sparring): Aikido and a Ninjutsu background. (Real Martial Art)

Your Characters Backstory: He was born in the himalayan mountains by a poor mom and a poor dad. When he was 6, his parents died from a mugging gone wrong and he was alone for years. When he was in the verge of dying of hunger and thirst he started to steal and riot his way through life. Carving a very destructive path, he was caught stealing food from a very important leader. When he was about to be executed he was rescued by and ancient man who took him as his apprentice and taught him the arts of bashing. His name, was Hampa (Yeah, you read that. Now keep reading lol). He was discovered by his society by his immense proficiency in the art of aikido and ninjutsu, in which he was very talented. After training aikido and ninjustu and becoming champion all over the country, his village was burnt to the ground as collateral damage to a clan war between Embers and Smoke. And then, with all his training and talent, he swore to stop the war so it would not destroy any more lives unnecessary.

Your Characters personality: He is feisty, hot headed, good, kind, strong, brave, resilient, loving, introverted but outgoing and "chill"

What clan? (Ember, Smoke, Rogue (undecided)): Rogue

Will your character be a regular?: Yes
(Will you be active enough to keep replays
coming in when needed?) Yes

What is the easiest way to reach you?
(PM, Skype, Email, Discord?)
Discord/PM. But Discord preferably. My discord is PeSyss, i'm in Evil's discord (my clan) if you need any reference.
Last edited by PeSystem; Jan 27, 2017 at 03:18 AM.
"Never think you're the only one at something" - VictorTB

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