Original Post
Want to join [DM]

If you think you have what it has to join this, please make an application.

If you do anything like this
1. name
2. belt
3. clans

It will be ignored and laughed at vigorously.

All free formed apps will be taken into consideration. This does NOT mean you will be accepted, be we will at least read it
We wish to see single player replays and spars from you.
If we like you, and or wish to get to know you, please join our IRC channel provided at the bottom of this post.
And Please take note, we do not answer with a yes/no, We simply wish to see who you are before doing anything

A Free formed app should look something similar to this
Click here for example

Good Luck, if you decide to attempt at applying here.
If we like you, and we want you, WE will ask you to join once again, because we need to invite you.

Last edited by Shuckle; Jul 3, 2011 at 06:00 PM.
Belt(3rd dan with exceptions) Yellow, I am exceptional
Your name(Optional): Hezda/michael
Skills(Art, video's etc): Trying to make replays and help.
Mods(What mod are you best in? Have to be decent at aikido and sparring): Sparring and aikido woot lucky me
Replays(Optional): Post 3 for you guys k?
Why you want to be a [Drunken Master]!: Everybody in this clan is cool as fuck. Would like to be apart of this when it become official and help it grow till it dies
What will you bring to the clan: Skill and respect (after I become famous)
Ingame activity on scale 1-10: 10
Forum activity on scale 1-10:10

Also, still working on my post count lol.
Attached Files
Dm one.rpl (117.9 KB, 11 views)
Dm two.rpl (116.3 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by Hezda; Apr 3, 2011 at 12:05 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
1st: This clan won't die. I won't let it. I will bring it back every time it dies

2nd: I can see your working on your post count.

3rd: your ingame activity seems. Off.

4th: your forum activity seems. Off as well

5th: you really think so :3

6th: it said 3rd dan with exceptions. not anything below third dan has to have a exception

Last of all. Post replays? And I will think about it. I'm mainly worried about your single player for your belt than your ingame skill.

Neutral :3
Belt(3rd dan with exceptions) About 50 more games to 9th dan.
Your name(Optional):
Skills(Art, video's etc): Art irl, but nothing you guys get to see.
Mods(What mod are you best in? Have to be decent at aikido and sparring): Wushu, AkidoBD, Sparring ofc.
Replays(Optional): Sure
Why you want to be a [Drunken Master]!: Because Shuckle made me.
What will you bring to the clan: Loyalty
Ingame activity on scale 1-10: 8
Forum activity on scale 1-10: 3

I don't much use the forums except for stuff like this.
Last edited by tornkik95; Apr 8, 2011 at 01:39 AM.
┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Fuck yea. You know its a yes from me :3 I would add you right here and right now. But I'm not leader and I can't do that Or else I would.

Judge on replays:

1st one: holy shit jizz

2nd one: was disapointed that you didn't dismember :/

3rd one: And that there was sticky pants

4th one: more jizz. nice fucking comeback to a decap!

5th one: could be more relaxed when you run

but again FUCK YES
Last edited by Shuckle; Apr 3, 2011 at 12:56 AM.