a lot of people

didn't make any lists but it doesn't surprise me

the liquor dudes and aether dudes were/are some of the best tho

oh and the old warhead guys
Stalker - epic artist,item forger and a nice dude.
lucastorre - played alot with him(one of guys who made me get better at abd)
Snkvitao - cool,and i played with him alot.
Moop - got me into tk
TORIITO - Video maker,replay maker,csgo dude
Life - another cool dude,we chatted alot once.
Lite - epic script dude and site dev.
Slycooper(not sure if he is my friend tough..he dont even know me) - my highest inspiration to video making
Hugo - guy who i used to talk about games with,cool too.
Arakata - replay maker that i most used to talk with.
MrJinggles - another guy who helped me alot with replay making,also chatted about games.
Onsola - epic leader from [mau],and cool parkourer.
Alphan00b - another dude from "cnc-back" times,also i got him into video making xD (i guess)
zVilche - artist from [Infinity]
NICOLAS135 - replay maker who was with me in [UBO] org.
Nagato9757 - someone who helps me with video making stuff
pluft - friend gone guy who i sparred the most(seriously,i done more than 15 spars with him)
yoshiman60 - another video cnc dude in [eP]
Alot of [MAU] and [eP] members too
Last edited by victortb; Jul 8, 2016 at 05:52 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Originally Posted by victortb View Post
Alot of [MAU] and [eP] members too

you just listed everyone in mau by name what other members you have

WhiteF719-for being the nicest guy I know

Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
All of Catalyst
And can't forget noel, that motherfucker
And Grim for teaching me how to decap.. Until i forgot it all.
Last edited by Scar; Jul 9, 2016 at 03:21 AM.
Agus and Foobi, two biggest losers of Toribash
Hattersin, Sheik, Erth, Damano1

Hattersin- taught me how to spar when i was a blue belt and continued to stay in contact with me, even though i was annoying.

Sheik- Didnt know me well and shared his mojang account

Erth- Had faith that I could actually host and become a good gm

Damano- Best friend I had in [Evil] miss that guy
T0ri0baby - Gave me alot of moral support when it was needed <3
Shikkumo- Inspired me to get better and spar more often
And JustMonsto - we're basically the same person.
The Eastgrand Assassin..
Pitch - brought me to art and is a very nice guy
nojutsume/toonfox - nice guy i know from ingame, also he started making art the same time i started and makes epic stuff
GerU - they keep the game/forum alive for me even tho we are very inactive
alladyn - dead already but a nice guy

some other doods from ingame but i forgot their name
0118 999 881 999 119 725 3
Nobody is acting forum/ingame anymore from when I was playing. This is my first post in 2 years.
My best friend was aracoon. He might still be lurking.
OLDA | Fr3styL | RL | T3AL
R.I.P [Pure] 356 Threads, 19,000 Posts.
he works at multicoisas, smoke assorted drugs, owns one of my heads and is the only who plays transformice with me
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
you just listed everyone in mau by name what other members you have

stop making me feel sad D:

in no particular order
BumbleBurke, real cool dude. chill fwiend
RayWill135, first online friend that i added on steam. great guy
GrAmaf0n, just cause hes really nice and was a coool guy that visited my thread alot in the early times of my replays
Swepples, just cause hes nice and cool
victortb, same reason as gram and also he made a vid for me :3
Static, he chill

and others that im not even sure if they are my friends.
i like to think people enjoy me :D