ES Recruitment Drive
Smh i can't remember any details, even the year lol.
I was playing some other games, tb just was on my PC. Sometimes i was opening it, clicking balls vs uke and closing, was too scared to go mp. It was boring to sit in the singleplayer mode, so i just forgot about the game. After some long time i remembered that there was such a game, registered an acc, had nice first games at twinswords, still playing with long and short breaks.
Haha, too scared to do multiplayer, that doesn't sound like any fun playing with balls by yourself.;)
Was watching a video on Youtube, after about 5 hours of clicking off videos from suggestions came to the weird part of Youtube. Saw a toribash video, watchted it, downloaded it and the rest is history.
Don't like me? Cool, I don't wake up everyday to impress you
So you saying Toribash is a part of the weird side of Toribash SectoPrime? :3 MAU
Yeah i watched him play it, he can make almost anything seem fun though to be honest, he's so crazy, I love it. XD
I found this game because Nerd3 played it. For that reason alone I ever even tried it xD
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |
I remember seeing him play the game and it was hilarious i think he is the one that put the gravity up way to high and put it down to 0 XD
You like to create thread and ask people stuff do you ?

Well, I don't quite remember well how I ended up playing TB, but i'll try.

I was messing around and I came across some video's by Mocucha on Toribash Parkour and Sparring. I downloaded the game, played a little in singleplayer to get my hand on the basics, learned to run a little, and came across Mocucha in a room, we had a small talk, turned out we were from the same country, became friends and I stayed a little more, then join the Official French Organization and the community basically, having incredible friends in, especially this f*cktard Atlantys9 , as we started at the same time and become kind of rival, this hyped me to stay on the game and improve everyday by doing parkours and spar...
If im not mistaken I started the game back in 2013 I think
French Player, Old member of OFRO