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Client wont load/connect to servers?
I was just about to be up in GMHotseat (hosted by Dannyrug and 2WC), when all of a sudden my client stopped responding (no it's not my computer, it's my internet making the client lag). Anyway..
I re-launched my client, and now every time I go to '/jo' something it just freezes like it did before I was about to play in the GMHotseat.
When i try to load servers the lobby just stays screen white (besides the titles).

Does anybody know how I can fix this?
father of philip scone
No warning? Thank god I wasn't dueling a high amount of tc. What's the point of dueling if Hampa randomly resets the servers with absolutely no warning?
Because it might have been a emergency reset. Could have been getting ddosed or something.
Turning over a new leaf!
Why doesn't it automatically cancel the duel mode and return all TC back to the players then?
The servers have been posing issues all day, some of the servers have crashed and 2 of the main consoles also crashed. (From what I've heard)
They're doing restarts to solve these issues and make sure it doesn't happen again.
I believe thats what's happening to the best of my knowledge however one can't be 100% sure.
Yea, same thing happened to me, i was in a 100 tc duel with tokeriu then my shit crashed, i tried upgrading to 4.92 (Or 4.91 i think) and nothing happend. ;-;