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Tori Glitch When Joining New Server
I've encountered this glitch like YEARS YEARS YEARS ago, but it still haven't been fixed yet for some reason. So what happens is that in the middle of two guys fighting, I joined the server, and it's just.....glitched up. The Tori's jumpt around, and it was almost impossible to see what's going on (and also their colors/textures doesn't appear either). It's a minor flaw, since the game will end anyway, but it's just something that bugged me.

Also, after finished a match, sometimes I was a bit too slow to press the F button and click save, so my hard work replay is gone (except if my partner have a copy) forever. Could you improvise something about that? Thanks <3
Please identify me as HexedChronoBlades.
The first thing is probably something to do with you didn't join at the beginning and the moves haven't aligned I'm guessing so it spazzes out.

And for not being able to save in time, just turn on autosave replays :L. It's in the settings somewhere
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky
If you join in the middle of an online game it often looks weird, has got something to do with the game missing previous date of the match, making it unable to make the game look smooth as always.
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