Original Post
Mesh ~ Discord Community

Mesh is a non-tb discord community centered around gaming, coding, and design
the community is slowly growing with currently around 80 members and dedicated staff
we are planning on spreading to different areas, gaining more members along the way
keep in mind the community is not oriented around toribash nor are we affiliated
we are simply a 'hangout' server for gamers, programmers, and designers alike

Join The Discord
Make sure to read the rules
Punishment will be harsh

This is an organization for the community
not an advertisement, nor a 'come join' post
If you join via this post, you will have to post
here every once in a while, not to maintain activity
but to keep the organization valid, rather than just being
a advertisement, or some other type of post. Thanks.

Organization/Community Website

Last edited by hanna; Apr 21, 2018 at 09:42 PM. Reason: 80 Members Boys
I love that creating a cryptocurrency was a part of the community goals . Seems like a pretty cool idea though, an organisation that isn't really based on the game Toribash but based on the community. I love it.
Originally Posted by 16bars View Post
I love that creating a cryptocurrency was a part of the community goals . Seems like a pretty cool idea though, an organisation that isn't really based on the game Toribash but based on the community. I love it.

The cryptocurrency is at a stable stage currently so yeah, quite happy with it. Although it isnt worth basically anything at the moment but once the difficulty rises it will start being worth a bit.
Hey want to ask, on your description it stated that one of this discord community is centered around coding.
Is it covers all around the programming language (Java,Python,C, etc)? Can junior coder join in and occasionally ask for guidance there?
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Nike View Post
Hey want to ask, on your description it stated that one of this discord community is centered around coding.
Is it covers all around the programming language (Java,Python,C, etc)? Can junior coder join in and occasionally ask for guidance there?

Is it covers all around the programming language (Java,Python,C, etc)?
It's based around anything gaming, design, and even coding so yes, any programming language is covered. If someone is familiar with the language they will help out.

Can junior coder join in and occasionally ask for guidance there?
Of course. Anyone can join if they want. We're open to anyone that wants to join a community.