Original Post
+A few of my thousands of problems with this game
*b loodymess**blo odymess**blood ymess*
1.I'm using windows seven.
2.the game has tendencies to crash, particularly at the end of replays when its flipping through them and after I change an option.
:bananapowersl ide::bananapow erslide:2.5 the smilies aren't working when I add too many!
3.when I turn on shaders, it disables textures BUT WHEN I TURN IT OFF IT DISABLES FLUID BLOOD AND SMOOTHING AND SUCH!!!
4. I don't have a tga editor or veiwer
5.Wtf is the game button down in the bottom left hand corner in multiplayer for?
6.PMs arent SENDING!
7. what with the textures? if do you need to buy the option to put in a texture on a body part.
8.can I make a .tga head texture on my own computer and sell it here for no fee to me?
9.Repeat problem 3!
10.When I click go to torimarket in the game it flips out of fullscreen!
If a game designer ever looks at this please change this to MINIMIZE on a windows computer.
This thread was placed here because a few of these are glitches. If you don't like it stuff you.
Last edited by ThinkTwice; Mar 22, 2010 at 06:20 AM.
dont smiley spam! and some of ur things ur sayen r pretty true!
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten

Lets start this over again.

I'll close this thread, you make a new one, with the same info as in this one but with clean readable text.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

Official minibash tester. Please email [email protected] if you have found a bug!