Original Post
512å hÕÐd textures

Formalities required by MS (the info might be useful tho)

e: Due to a popular thought that people akin me would ask for hundreds of tc for such textures, I tell you that I will not.
I will leave an estimated price for each texture, call it an autobuy if you want to. The closer your offer is, the higher is the chance of our deal. And ofcourse if you offer the estimated amount of tc, feel free to send it without even waiting for my response, no doubt that it will be a yes from me.
I tried to make the prices acceptable for players and profitable for art-marketeers without losing the author's interest.

Damned Samurai


Breakpoint Hood


The Guy (Disturbed) - SOLD

Last edited by imp; Sep 6, 2019 at 12:15 AM.
damned samourai 15k
"Gâle, peste, gengraine, trainent à l'entrée de son utérus,
C'est plus risqué de la ken que de jouer à la roulette russe..
Fuyez, elle a les lèvres déchirées qui moussent comme la Heineken,
Ya des tentacules qui pendent, c'est plus une chatte, c'est un Kraken.."