Original Post
3.3 Platform Fan
Here I am, bored in first block. Luckily I have Toribash installed on this computer! A product of my boredom, I bring you the Platform Fan. Woot! A very deadly mod, featuring 3 fans! I think you guys will enjoy this one!!
Kick Uke into a deadly fan but try not to fall off into the one below. Also, the platform is ungrabbable, so don't think you can save yourself if you accidently fall!

Have fun with the bloody gore.
(PS: You guys might notice erratic behavior with the fan on Uke's side. If you know how to fix that please let me know. I can't figure it out.)
Attached Files
platformfan.tbm.rpl (35.7 KB, 17 views)
PlatformFanMonkeyman.rpl (28.8 KB, 15 views)
platformfan.tbm (914 Bytes, 40 views)
Last edited by sneaker133; May 29, 2008 at 02:21 AM. Reason: Fixing Caps Title

MrPoptart: I HATE YOU!
Sneaker133: Want a cookie?
This is actually pretty cool! It's nice how the fans just EXPLODE you when they
hit, but that's probably just because of the immense speed :P
This could actually be pretty nice for multiplayer, if i'm not entirely mistaken.
Also, fixed the erratic spinner, along with a few other things. (Mainly moving the objects a tiny bit)
But what was wrong with the spinner, you ask? Simple, really. It collided with
the platform you're standing on.
Also fixed it so that the gamerules apply.
Oh yes, one very important thing to remember: NEVER capitalize anything in a
.tbm file, because Toribash apparently only reads lower case letters.
Attached Files
platformfan.tbm (914 Bytes, 13 views)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
shook: a bunch of stuff

Thanks for fixing the file! And that's useful, now that I know not to capitalize letters, I'll know what's wrong when something doesn't work >.< But how come only one fan was spazzing and not the other?

MrPoptart: I HATE YOU!
Sneaker133: Want a cookie?
Because both of the fans were shifted a bit towards Tori, while the platform
was located dead-center. Thus did only one of the fans spaz.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
shook: technical info

Ohhh, I see! Thanks!!

Other guy: Shit finally hits the fan...

That was what was going through my mind when I finished this mod lol =D
And thanks! =]

MrPoptart: I HATE YOU!
Sneaker133: Want a cookie?
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
nice mod, dont make all cap titles pl0x

Thanks =D. Sorry about the title, btw.

MrPoptart: I HATE YOU!
Sneaker133: Want a cookie?
Wow, this is fun!! Uke gets pwned really easily lol. But I keep falling in after hitting him, can you fix that maybe? Even though that would probably ruin the fun =/
Originally Posted by Roflolmao View Post
Wow, this is fun!! Uke gets pwned really easily lol. But I keep falling in after hitting him, can you fix that maybe? Even though that would probably ruin the fun =/

Yeah that kind of would, so no, I won't fix it. But thanks for the download! ^_^

MrPoptart: I HATE YOU!
Sneaker133: Want a cookie?