Original Post
favor (redux)
so long story so ill inform the story after its passed

but can someone here make me some sort of epic picture involving the letters


whoud be much appreciated and ill lub you even more than i do now

just do anything crazy with it for me, much thanks
only guidlines, make it badass, and make it still legible, much love guys
^ Spelling Fail.
i need something too o.o... an image that says "WEAPON FRIDAYS <3" and has cool sword fighting silluettes on the back o.o something like that...
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
that's saru's department.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
I'm here. I'll try working on it today, but I'll likely finish it tomorrow/the next day. I'll start with Bouna's because he asked first, then Sang's. For future reference, this COULD go into the Art thread. However, since I went crazy and accordioned the threads, you can make more threads like this. I'll just merge them with the dead zone once they die.

I'll begin work immediately. I'll make a few different styles for the pictures, and if you don't like it, talk to me, etc. I'm not so good at just "making it awesome". I'm more of the type that needs direction, but we'll see how it goes ;)


What Size Picture?
What does NBK stand for?
Not Bad, Kid?
Natural Born Killers?
National Bank of Kuwait?
Naval Base Kitsap?
Never Been Kissed?
Nandamuri Bala Krishna?
Nabeya Bi-Tech Kaisha?
Norsk Brettseiler Klubb?
Nihon Bureiku Kogyu?
Non-Battle Killed?
Never Be Killed?
Last edited by Sarutobi; Apr 22, 2010 at 06:12 AM.
XDDD nihon bureiku kogyu xD... you know you can write bureiku as break right?
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
um, picture doesnt have to be huge, average facebook, mysapce picture

and NBK is natural born killers 2nd guess im impressed

and ill the whole use and reason behing it in due time
^ Spelling Fail.
I haven't been able to do much at all

So I used renders and shit to make this silly looking thing

So, yeah, enjoy that until I can make something of some decency
and yeah, that's one big ass maze
just came, everywere, your timing couldnt have been better, saru, ily

also, you owe me 8 billion saru dollars of i make it out of that maze
^ Spelling Fail.