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How do i kick, I've been learning.
my brother is good but i need help
Last edited by bman450; Apr 5, 2016 at 03:30 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
If you mean kick, like the command do /kick name.
If you mean how to kick as in the fighting action, it's good to get some momentum by adjusting the mid as well as the upper joints and relaxing the leg you want to kick with. Then right before you make contact extend the leg and knee you want to kick with. Atleast that's how I do it.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
try to contact 1 hip, and extend other kick, contract kneed and after extend knee
You can control you'r glutes for more cool
Waiting for answer of my Market Squad Application!
This kick is only for aikido.tbm aikidobigdojo.tbm aikidobiggerdojo.tbm

This is the way I do my kicks .

Contract Left Wrist
Contract Right Wrist
Contract Right Elbow
Contract Left Elbow
Relax Left Shoulder
Relax Right Shoulder
Extend Neck
Contract Right Pec
Contract Left Pec
Right Turn Chest
Right Turn Lumbar
Contract Abs
Extend Right Glute
Extend left Glute
Contract Right hip
Extend Left hip
Contract Right Knee
Contract Left knee
Extend Left ankle
Extend Right ankle

Press Space

Extend Right Knee
Lower Left shoulder
Lower right shoulder
extend left wrist
extend right pec
Contract right ankle

And there you have your kick