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[MP/Replays] How to pose?
Seeing that there isn't any tutorial on how to pose, I figured I'd make one myself for all you junior sparrers and replay makers not knowing how to end your replay with a good pose!

Things you should keep in mind :

- A good pose depends on what the gravity is. Because if you pose with a -9.82 gravity (default) the same way as you pose in -30.00 (sparring) you will most likely wind up in the air.

- The environment : you should try to be a bit far from any joints lying on the ground, and far from your opponent! We don't want these things to disrupt our pose now do we?

- Your positioning before the pose : well, trying to pose when you're in the air, is different from posing while you were lying on the ground, or standing on your hands... We will go through a lot of examples later on.

Gravity : -9.82 :

In this gravity, getting momentum is quite easy, maybe sometimes it's too easy you might gain more momentum then you expected!

Let's suppose you're lying on your back! You could use your legs to boost your body a bit above the ground. So try putting your legs in the upright position by contracting your hips (you might also want to use your knees in these cases). Now you'll have your body a bit above the ground! Now is your chance to continue with this momentum with your arms, so do the same thing by raising your arms in the upright position (be careful not to fall backwards with this).

Note : every situation has it's own technique, this is mainly to help you with the basics of gaining upright momentum so that you'll be able to stand.

Now continue on with your momentum gaining, from now on it's up to you to figure out how to do it. But remember that having contracted hips and knees, will not only put you in the position you want, but will also get you ready to stand!

Now let's say your ready to stand, by that I mean standing on the ground with contracted knees and hips! Now it's easy, just do what we did earlier, raise your arms, you'll notice that your body is following (remember to have a relaxed body and not a forced one). now that you're almost there, work on your knees and try to make them extended without jumping. This is easier than you think! You can use your hips and extend them so that your knees will automatically extend, or you can do your own way, but remember, balance is the key!

Now there are some situations where your are standing, but your body is leaning forward, in other words, your abs are contracted a lot! Extending your abs won't do the trick here, just move a leg forward just like you're getting ready to run, and then put it on the ground gently (most likely while relaxing it), that way you'll gain more balance.

Also, try using your abs, chest and lumbar in these situations for balance.

One more thing! If you are falling and not being able to stop it, try turning around. How do you do that? Well in this gravity, it's quite easy, just use your chest, and let your arms follow it. For example, if you rotate your chest to the right, contract your left pec and extend the right one, that way it's easier to turn around. It's also better if you relax the rest of your arm!

Now to recap, the most important thing in this gravity is momentum, so try to boost your body in the position you want, by using the rest of your joints. Be careful not to over do it though!

Gravity : -30.00 :

In this gravity, it's a lot easier to pose! Knowing that not everything you do will make you fly around. So you can try and jump without being afraid of over doing it (though you should still be careful).

In this gravity, your key is your legs. In most likely any situation, your legs can provide easy balance.

Now let's talk about three things. Lying on the ground, standing on the ground with no balance, being in the air!

Lying on the ground : In this situation, you could try and jump off the ground. But the goal is how to land on your feet! Well it's quite easy my friends. In the air, try to flip yourself to become in the position to land on your feet.

About control in the air:

- Chest will twist you!
- Contracted hips and knees will flip you (it depends on the situation, it might make you start a front flip or back flip)!
- Arms (raising them and lowering them) will help you gain more momentum in your flip!
- Pecs will help your arms, so using them proportionally with your arms will also help with the flip! They will also help the chest with the twist, so if you rotate it right, let your arms follow the chest's rotation by using the pecs!
- Abs (most likely contracted) will gain even more speed for the flip!

So, you can use the joints listed above to help yourself land on your feet, in other words, adjust the speed of the flip/twist... you are doing in the air! You have been given what they do in the air, now you should figure out how to use them in a specific situation, that is also up to you!

Now let's say you're almost on the ground! Either relax your legs so they'll gently fall on the ground, they will most likely become in a more extended position (remember not to extend your ankles, that will most likely ruin your balance).

Or you can extend your knees if you know that they'll land perfectly on the ground (contracted or non extended ankles are preferred).

Standing with no balance : Well in this case, just use your chest, lumbar, glutes, arms to help you out with the balance! Hips will also help you out in some situations where you want to lean in a certain way!

Being in the air : Well just do what was told earlier about control in the air!

Now remember to use your chest, lumbar, abs, glutes for balance! Plus, your pecs (and arms) will help too, so if you're leaning a little bit forward, you can extend your pecs to move the weight to the back! Remember, it's up to you to figure it out in your specific situation!

Final word :

If you have questions, something to add, something you though is wrong, please say so in this thread, or you can PM me!

I might include some example replays soon!

Hope this helped you guys out!

And one more thing! You won't be able to pose perfectly after just reading this tutorial, to be able to pose easily you have to practice a lot of situations in single player and in both -9.82 and -30.00 gravities!

Practice makes perfect!

Last edited by EJM; Oct 9, 2011 at 12:16 PM.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Unexpectedly this was useful, thanks.

I always had trouble from balancing out of a run - jump. Now I've got a bit of a strategy to doing it. thanks to this.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Very glad it helped you out guys! If you want to know about posing in a certain situation let me know and I'll add it!

Again, I'm very glad I could be of help!
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Cool tutorial, but i can't pose and balance when i'm on this situation:
i am lying down and i can even jump but i can't land and stand still balancing

Please can you help me?
and sorry for my bad english