View Poll Results: what you think!
this nooby!
6 Votes / 46.15%
this is to hard!
1 Votes / 7.69%
this is grate!
5 Votes / 38.46%
this sucks!
6 Votes / 46.15%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 13. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
New easy wushu move!
A new, easy, move for white belts that are trying to get into wushu! I made it myself!

Contract knees, elbows and left pecs.
Extend both ankles and right pecs.
Right rotating chest.
Extend right elbow and wrist, left knee and ankle.
Contract left hip and right glute.
STEP3 (optional)
If you miss the first time, extend the right knee as a backup plan!

If you tried it, please leave a comment!

I fixed the more obvious grammar and spelling errors in order to make this readable. ~War
Last edited by War_Hero; Jul 12, 2009 at 01:10 PM. Reason: i for got something!
It rushes forward and might mess up the opponents attack but I think that that's all it really does. The kick itself doesn't work unless you're under your opponent which doesn't really happen often.

P.s. - This is Nooby!
- This is too Hard!
- This is Great!
- This Sucks!
Last edited by jumpysnake; Jul 12, 2009 at 01:14 PM.