Original Post
i dont know if this is the place...
but is there any tips and or moves to help head throwing?
and by tips i mean by like well.... tips

and with moves being like moves to rip the head off

and if this the wrong place move it to the right place please.
TehCaek owns this acc! BWAHAHA!
with all hold: lower left shoulder, contract left elbow, relax left wrist, set grab, contract abs, extend neck

self decap in 20 frames
^ what he said

And you should look in the tutorials board abnd post there about stuff like this, obviously search for a thread to do with the topic before posting, there's bound to be something on it
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
Well, for tips regarding head throwing, you need to remember that a head is actually quite heavy, and will seriously shift your center of mass. In other words, you need plenty of leverage/counter movement if you want to throw a head farther than half a meter. Legs, especially, help with this. If you brace your feet against the ground, you can throw the head pretty far. Also, proper elbow/wrist movement is also key, as a constantly extended wrist will make it very hard to extend/contract your elbow properly, especially extend. Contracting your wrist a little when throwing, then extending it about halfway through can provide a significant speed boost to the head, not to mention more power.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol