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Hosted Server lag
so i hosted a server and after like 30sec it just die and now i dont have tc to host again.
any help ?
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
so i hosted a server and after like 30sec it just die and now i dont have tc to host again.
any help ?

Most of the time, it is just luck of the draw. Make sure you look at the people playing and see if it's a good number (400+) is a good way to start a server. Keep in mind that a lot of people are attracted to DP's so add about 5k to DP and global and your good, if that doesn't work than try another time
Also try to see if there are any other servers running, if there are multiple with a lot of people, make sure you wait until they die down if there is maybe just one, it will be good to start one. Just make sure that, like extreme450 said, you start off a DP that way it will attract more people
When hosting, the less maxclients you have, the more stable your server will be. I haven't really seen any random crashes/masspings at below 20 maxclients, and they used to be rarer with 25 or less (though it's supposed to be stabler now, is it? - I have no idea, I don't risk it). Additionally any mass commands like muteall or specall can induce a lag. /fuke is risky as well, especially when abused (e.g. executed several times in a short timeframe).

Additionally if you have proper screenshot evidence and your room dies within like 15 minutes since your first global, you can ask staff for some assistance regarding this situation (e.g. you might get a free global for remade room), preferably by going to #support on irc.
Last edited by JtanK; May 19, 2015 at 02:05 AM.

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