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Lua script?
i search a way to load some shaders with an lua script.
is there a way?
qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]
I had a quick search and couldn't see one. Although it is possible, it should actually be rather easy if you have experience in scripting.
run_cmd("lws " .. shadername .. ".inc")
for editing separate shader values check this script out:

(very poorly made but still)
I made a script that changes the shaders in a draw2d loop, if you want I can post it.
ok thx blam
@couzo u can post it if u want
qaywer Mongius BlubKill Jaker GerFight Pinheads Coolino <3 | [TEO] | [T3AL] | [HighTunesYT]