Original Post
I hate my state.
Look at this mother fucker, Tim James. He's running for governor in Alabama. You may have already seen this, but I couldn't find another thread about it (if there is one, close this...).

Anywho, cutting to the chase. Enjoy.


Okay, okay. I understand that road signs in America are in English. However, some people can understand enough English to drive, but not enough to take a test on driving. Therefore, someone who would be able to drive perfectly would be kept off the roads, simply because they don't understand the word "applicable" (which appears on the drivers test in Alabama 12 times).

Maybe it's just the businessman in that guy... but I'm pretty sure it's the douche.
Last edited by kataphrakt; Apr 29, 2010 at 02:08 AM.
From the video information:

In this advertisement, Tim speaks out on the issue of English only. Alabama offers drivers license tests in 12 languages. As Governor, he will push to have the test given in only one language, English. This strikes a sensitive issue with Republican voters who are deeply concerned about the issue of illegal aliens.

They should have it in 12 other languages, or mroe for that matter, it doesn't really matter in my opinion, only that he shouldn't keep it to one language.

Isn't America described as the 'melting pot', where many different cultures blend together? A lot of people come from alot of places, many descents and speak many languages. I think it's a pretty stupid idea to limit to one language. A lot of people who's native tongue isn't English do know some language, but they should be able to take it in the language they desire, or atleast one of the other 12 languages if they want to.

I bet Tim James won't win the election, his ideals on the driver tests are really stupid.
Yes, I see both points of view, though you have to understand that our dominant language is English and it is declared our nations language so he does have the right to do that, yet as said before this will drive out alot of voters for him and I can guarantee he won't make it into office.
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
What a douche, they alredy have the 12 languages, whats the point of getting rid of them!? If it's in another language is it still the same sign pictures they use that are in english?
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Isn't America described as the 'melting pot', where many different cultures blend together?

As far as I know not all of America is a 'melting pot'. Sure areas with higher populations do, here in jersey id say were more then 90% white. not very melting pot..As for the different languages, i agree.

To my knowledge if we (english only speaking americans) want to go to another country, we try to learn that language. In america, in cities anyway, ive seen people who cant speak english, and it doesnt look like they want to learn. If they are legal immigrants, i dont understand how they would be helping the country if they cant even speak the language of the country.
So..i would vote for him, if you come to a country where 90% of the people speak one language..learn that language if you want to live there.

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Well, he is getting a lot of positive remarks on both CNN and Fox... believe it or not. And the University I go to (Roooll Tide bitches) has a huge Greek system, and they really do influence the area. They are campaigning hard for this guy. I really hope he doesn't win, because if his main platform is "We speak English hur hur!" I really don't won't him making decisions. Especially when it comes to that medical cannabis bill in Alabama's House. :P

EDIT: Now, I understand that living in America does require you to know some English. But have you ever gone to Chinatown in NY? Try getting anyone there to speak something besides Mandarin. My point is, let it be. If someone can't speak English, they are only hurting themselves by living in America. Especially when Senor Policia wants to see that green card.
Last edited by kataphrakt; Apr 29, 2010 at 03:39 AM.
Originally Posted by Iceblitz View Post
though you have to understand that our dominant language is English

True, most people speak English.

Originally Posted by Iceblitz View Post
and it is declared our nations language so he does have the right to do that

False, there is no official FEDERAL language. (There are official state languages, though.. Not sure if Alabama is one of them.)

Even if it wasn't the official state language, I'm pretty sure he could make it english only ANYWAY. In addition to that, a lot of people who can speak english have trouble understanding it in reading- especially if they word the question in an odd way. Which would not be out of the question, considering the way politics have been going in on the subject of illegal/immigrants in this country.
Originally Posted by BastardPhoenix View Post
May0naise: Do you know Cheyanne, Cheroke, Lakotah, or Chippewah?

Yes considering i live in an old indian area. And ive been through 6th grade when we learned about them.

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