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Suicide, What are your thoughts?
Well recently some kid at my school just committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.... He was a senior with 4 weeks left until he walked at graduation, he had a girlfriend, friends, he had almost everything, But why would he kill himself? Why do people kill themselve's personally i think it's stupid but what about your thoughts?
Last edited by Ponzo; May 21, 2010 at 02:44 AM.
It's dumb and I have no sympathy for people that commit suicide.

Edit: I lold 3 -reps for thinking that suiciders are morons. It's completely selfish to end your own life.
Last edited by PyroTime; May 28, 2010 at 11:38 PM.
Idk i thinks it's stupid but you gotta think... you don't know what was going on in their head but this case of it i think is very stupid because he had everything to leave for, Most of all people cared for him a lot..
i was depressed once and i thought about plunging a knife into my neck.
after i started seeing a therapist i felt better. I know what it feels like to have suicide thoughts. when someone is depressed and they keep it bottled up, the gilt becomes too much pain and everyday is a pain. soon the person cant take it no more and kills them self
Personally I think that suicide is a very foolish thing. I mean, someone has to hate their lives enough to want to end EVERYTHING. To me, I don't really see why someone would do that. No matter what kind of bad shtuffs are happening. But, I do feel bad for people who do commit suicide. Because it means that they were probably going through some REALLY bad times.
My name's Mr. Cupcake.
Some people do it because they have a hard life at school,work,etc. but some people do it because they don't mean to or they aren't thinking right but if you really wanna make sure none of your friend kill themselves watch out for them make sure all is well in life for them, or as much as it should be...
Originally Posted by Ponzo View Post
Some people do it because they have a hard life at school,work,etc. but some people do it because they don't mean to or they aren't thinking right but if you really wanna make sure none of your friend kill themselves watch out for them make sure all is well in life for them, or as much as it should be...

your are right at some parts

Originally Posted by 80884 View Post
when you think you have no future its sometimes very easy to think of suicide. =\

that is fully true^